
CV/Profile Sourcing

CV/Profile sourcing is the way towards discovering prospective candidate’s resume/profiles against the job description. Sourcing is the initial phase of recruitment process. Our professional Sourcing Experts who are specialized in finding the right candidates for your requirement. CV sourcing has great importance in overall hiring strategy of any type of company so it is more than finding candidate name and resume/profile search.


TalentZone Consulting gives complete range of CV/Profile sourcing services and solutions across the globe to all types of companies/industries. Our Sourcing Experts understand what the recruiter is looking for and can handle all your hiring needs. Several years of sourcing experience made us the best CV/Profile sourcing specialist in the market.

TalentZone Consulting is capable enough in searching job portals, internal candidate database and passive candidates (google, social media networking sites etc). This allows recruiters to focus on higher value or more strategic recruiting activities such as candidate networking, interviewing and client interaction.

Telephone Sourcing

Telephone Sourcing is the discovery of targets using the phone to find out who does what in a firm. Telephone Sourcing is the sourcing skill that gives you a hands-down competitive advantage in the sourcing-weary world of today.

Through “Telephone Sourcing” we gain access to passive candidates that are directly sourced from your competitors within a similar or target industry specified by you. A passive candidate is someone an employer is considering for a certain position, but who is not actively seeking for a new position. Passive candidates have not applied for an open position, not searching for a new job or they are not available on job portals, networking sites etc.

We don’t use job portals or any other networking sites where everyone has an access to. Our Telephone Sourcing experts do cold calling/headhunting activities and identify the right talent for you.

Organization Mapping

An organizational chart is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs. It’s used to show hierarchical relationships between managers and the people who report to them, as well as departments.

Our Organization Mapping experts are capable to generate such charts for any given company/seed names as per your requirement. This is useful for organizations to both visualize reporting relationships and communicate employees’ names, skills, and contact information. Accordingly, you can approach the relevant candidates for the right opportunity or you can understand your competitor’s organization structure.

Data Processing

Data Processing Services is concerned with the extraction of relevant information from several sources and processing it to an easily comprehendible and convenient manner to access digital format.

TalentZone Consulting provide end-to-end data processing solutions such as data entry, data indexing for easy retrieval, data conversion, and analysis to gather tactical insights and hence facilitate major business decisions. Being a leading data processing services provider, we offer bespoke cost-effective solutions for every industry vertical in alignment to business goals to free bandwidth of onsite employees, reduce operational cost, and increase process efficiency.

We take pride in delivering information with utmost accuracy and stringent security within stipulated turnaround time. Our various data processing services are:

• Data Conversion PDF/Images (or any other formats) to Word/Excel (or any other formats) as per the requirement.
• Data GrabbingCopy/grab bulk volume of data from any website/input medium to a prescribed format.
• Database UpdationInternal database or ATS (Applicant Tracking System) updation as per the requirement.
• CV FormattingCV Formatting is just customizing the candidate's CV into a client-presentable format or as per your company requirements. Resumes are standardized based on your company or client requirements. This will make the CV extremely impressive for branding as well as easy to read.

Lead Generation

A lead is any person who indicates interest in a company's product or service in some way, shape, or form. Lead generation is the process of attracting prospects to your business and increasing their interest through nurturing, all with the end goal of converting them into a customer. Some ways to generate leads are through job applications, blog posts, coupons, live events, and online content.

Lead generation encompasses all activities relating to the identification and cultivation of potential customers. TalentZone Consulting is experienced in generating leads as per your requirement from any industry. Our experts are capable enough to generate the interest of the leads and pass it across to you for further closure. We helped many of our clients on this activity (especially through LinkedIn) and supported them in generating more revenue.

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